Running In Place

What was to have been a chronicle of my first running steps has now become a chronicle of my first running injury, and finding my way back to the beginning.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Setting of the goals...

I notice that alot of people are publicizing their running/race goals and I read time and again that this is a great technique for any goal - dieting, quitting smoking, etc. because you make yourself accountable to someone other than yourself and you garner added support systems. In the past, I have staunchly avoided this tactic so that when my little schemes fall apart my crap-out is a private misery rather than a public humiliation <--- "and how's that been working for you?" the Dr. Phil in my head asks.

So at the risk of being a big ol' copycat here is a tentative goal list - and yes, "tentative goal" is somewhat oxymoronic but it's only tentative in the sense that I believe there are several other 5K's in my area throughout the summer that I just haven't found the info on - what I have is info from one running club only, so it's probably better to say my preliminary goals.

June 27 Summer Sizzle 5m (?? - can I get to 5 miles in 8 weeks time - dunno, since I've never done this before - but heck, I'm gonna put it down!)
July 11 Boilermaker 5k Training Run
July 18 Millers Mills Sundae Run 5k
Aug 21 Canalway Run 5k
Sept 26 Falling Leaves Race 5k
Oct 2 Camden Copper Wire Run 5k

So there's that - is it apparent that that I'm really anxious to get out there and go? Now all I have to do is be able to run :-)