Running In Place

What was to have been a chronicle of my first running steps has now become a chronicle of my first running injury, and finding my way back to the beginning.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Just a brief intermission from the real concerns of life to crab about Blogger...

When I initiated this blog, Blogger assigned me www.running-in-place.blahblahblah and the the site could also be reached at running-in-place.sans the www. Ok, 2 ways to get there but when I make a new post only one of those sites will be updated right away (if I'm lucky). So my post yesterday may have shown up at the www site and not the other, and today's post may be vice versa. Depending on from whence you link, you may or may not see a new post for at least a few days - and longer in some cases. Template changes I've made to my sidebar show up in preview and remain in template but are not showing up on either URL, and probably won't for a couple of days.

You know, I'm so not picky about visual stuff - if the color isn't offensive and the font doesn't give you a headache I'm happy enough - but when I wanna post, dammit I wanna post - not post and wait 2 - 3 days before my post shows up here or there.

'Kay, that's all I've got for today.